Friday, September 4, 2009

31. Aunt Mary's Lace

"Aunt Mary's Lace" features a plain garter stitch upper edge, a lozenge-shaped motif and eyelets outlining the scalloped lower edge. The stitch count varies a great deal from row to row due to the placement of the yarn overs in relation to their corresponding decreases.

You can download the full-size chart, verbal instructions and notes here.

This is another pattern from a newspaper clipping, the design sent in by subscriber Mrs. J. L. I. She wrote:

My sister and I have knitted many pretty designs given and would now like to make some return to the fair knitters. I send herewith a specimen and directions for edge unlike anything I have yet seen. It is my sister's design and we call it 'Aunt Mary's Lace.'

Next up: Knitted Lace Insertion


Kay-From the Back Yard said...

That's very pretty. Thank you for posting all these lace edgings.

Margravine Louisa said...

thank you for this very interesting series. I have not commented before, but I want you to know how much i appreciate your time, effort and work, I will get started knitting lace for the undies I am making for a 17th centruy costume. thanks, again!

Anonymous said...

I love the loopy edge on this one. The garter stitch top adds a nice texture. Thanks for the pattern!

vicvic said...

Ooh, I love this one!

Jennifer said...

Love this edging, thanks for sharing

Lisa Vinci said...

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