Friday, October 16, 2009

36. Wheat-Ear Lace

"Wheat-Ear Lace" is a relatively narrow garter stitch edging, blocking to 7/8" when knit in fingering weight yarn on 2.25mm needles. It features pairs of eyelets tipped diagonally to create the motif. The lower edge is scalloped and rimmed with eyelets formed by beginning each wrong side row with a yarn over. The stitch count rises from five to eight over the first five rows, and the added stitches are worked off with the diabolical P5tog in the final row of the 8-row repeat.

You can download the full-size chart, verbal instructions and notes here.

Next time: Vine Tidy


  1. What a sweet, simple looking edging! Those K5tog stitches are tricky. You did a lovely job on your sample. Thanks for the pattern.

  2. I just discovered you today from a link on Ravelry. I'm adding you to my list of reads on my blog. What an amazing gift you are sharing with the knitting world. And what fun you must be having doing it. Thanks!

  3. P5tog isn't so diabolical if you do it as s4 purlwise,p1,p4sso one at a time. (Also, p5togtbl can be done as "put right needle in as if to p5togtbl, remove left needle, replace 1 st on left needle and p1,p4sso".)

    Wheat-ear is a cute little stitch.
    I'm really enjoying this series.
    Thank you for preserving and passing on these patterns.

  4. Thank you for this wonderful resource!

    I tried knitting Wheat Ear edging from directions in an old book found on Google, and came up with a mess. It's lovely to see what it really looks like.

    Amazing blog. Now I have to go back and read from the beginning.
